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Contact Person: Laura Hawk - Early Childhood Education Coach/Mentor
1808 Broadway Ave.
Mattoon, Il 61938
Phone: 217.234.5426
Holidays and Closings:
The Center will be closed any time Lake Land College is closed & in observance of the following holidays: Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year's Day, Memorial, Labor Day.
Hours of Operation:
Monday through Thursday
Morning Preschool
8:30a- 11:30a
Afternoon Preschool
12:00p - 3:30p
Ages 3-4
STUDENTS: Join Tanille Ulm in the virtual LIVE LAB by clicking on the enter button below. There you will also find past LIVE LABS for review.
Are you considering college courses in Early Childhood Education, paraprofessionalism, nanny care, and/or Child & Family Services let’s COLLABORATE?